Unlike the anthology series Freddy's Nightmares, which featured Freddy as host and occasional star, 1987's Friday the 13th: The Series was Jason free. Along with black platform boots with laces, black leather gloves, dark brown pants all having visible tatters and rips, and his famous hockey mask similar to part 3 he also has dark grey skin and strands. We did ultimately get a Friday the 13th anthology series on television. In this film, Jason wears a rotten and tattered brown jacket made of burlap, a grey sweatshirt and a navy blue undershirt. After that, it seems like the series' producers mostly abandoned the device. The first two movies take place on Friday the 13th, but Part III takes place the following day, Saturday the 14th (not to be confused with the 1981 horror comedy.) Part IV takes place on Sunday and Monday. Jason Mask Halloween Costume Horror Mask Cosplay Costume Mask Party Masquerade Props Mask.

But not only did Jason become the series star after his terrifying reemergence at the end of the first film, but the date in the title became something of a moot point. Each movie would have taken place, presumably, on Friday the 13th.

But originally, Friday the 13th was intended to be an anthology series. It's a very specific type of cinematic escapism, to be sure. Horror audiences aren't so much rooting for the generally unlikable victims to survive as they are looking for increasingly thrilling and inventive kills. It's evident just a few minutes in to movies like Jason Lives and Jason X that Mr.